Prince Tournament 6800 Indoor Table Tennis Table Reviews

Prince Tournament 6800 Review: Why It's Actually Worth It

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Do yous fancy table tennis? If so, choosing an appropriate and long-lasting table can be a fleck of an ordeal. You cannot one day decide to go up and buy 1. Many elements factor into purchasing a skilful tabular array. Nevertheless, worry not, sit down back, and read on equally we introduce you to an indoor table lawn tennis table that is sure to become your attention.

Quick Overview

Prince Tournament 6800 Indoor Table Tennis Table
Source: Dick's Sporting Goods

Prince is a well-reputed brand that has been producing ping-pong tables for quite some time now. Its Prince Tournament 6800 is an indoor table tennis table that weighs 110 pounds, has it all, and it gives plenty facility to boost upwards your ping pong skills and your game room.


  • Robust
  • All Accessories Included
  • Durable and Mobile
  • Ease of Fix
  • High-quality Material
  • Ball Storage
  • High-terminate Surface


  • Heavy
  • Lack of Meridian Adjustment Option
  • Surface Decumbent to Scratches

8 Things Nosotros Similar Virtually Prince Tournament 6800

1. Beautiful Design

It comes in a dark grey matte stop and has an elegant yet minimal design overall. Such a unproblematic design allows you to find a spot for it wherever you desire rather apace. It volition raise the entire look of your infinite and not be an eyesore.

Its other colors include silverish greyness legs, and its folding mechanism levers are all in blackness underneath the table. These combinations of shades give it a classy and modern look without making it appear likewise flashy.

2. Great Play Surface

The table is built with a very high-end MDF tabletop. The density of the tabletop is 18mm, and this number is the most advisable thickness for an platonic table lawn tennis table to have.

Most tables come with 16 or 15mm MDF thickness at most, and while that is adequate, it can crusade warping.

This table's density volition empower you with a smooth and steady bounce surface, which is every player'southward dream. This tabular array comes with superior bounce quality and will amp up your games.

3. Foldability

Foldable Feature of Prince Tournament 6800

I of its acme features is that it tin effortlessly fold. This makes information technology extra stress-gratuitous for yous to move it around. You tin can take it wherever you want as yous are setting it upwardly or stow information technology away one time you are done playing.

These characteristics as well pb to efficient storage. You do not take to fuss over where to notice enough infinite to store it because its construction will save you loads of infinite. Yet, there is more. You tin likewise fold ane-half of the tabular array if you lot so desire to exist in the playback position, this volition enable you to play solo with the tabular array.

four. Net Inclusion

It comes with cyberspace and posts included, and what more can a ping-pong enthusiast ask for. It ensures that it meets all your needs one time y'all decide to buy information technology, and then you do not take to stress over having to buy its accessories separately.

However, let usa talk more about the ease of usage. One time you successfully assemble your tabular array and get the net washed, besides, y'all can forget all most it because you tin can get out it intact with the table. It will not budge or tear. You do not take to adjust your net every time you fold the table upwards.

5. Hinge Wheels

While we talk nearly mobility, at that place is more than to this product. It has wheels that are three inches in diameter.

This will further make your task easier when yous desire to move the table; you practice not have to pause your back and lug it effectually, it does all the work for you with its bully wheels.

Only choose where you desire to place information technology.

Swivel Wheels in Prince Tournament 6800

It contains hinge wheels that come with their locking casters in place, assuasive you to movement this tabular array as safely every bit possible. It besides cons with buffer corners that go on you safe from whatsoever potential injuries.

half dozen. Effortless Assembly

A pregnant aspect that ofttimes deters many from buying such tables is the complicated assembly procedure. You lot buy your product and cannot wait to play on it, only one time the happiness of the purchase wears off, you lot now start dreading the setup, this part lonely can accept you stressed out.

Often fifty-fifty user manuals fail to explain these steps adequately as they heavily utilize jargon that is not easy to pick upwardly. With this table, it comes l percent pre-assembled, which means two people can set it upwards in ninety minutes or less.

It already comes half-prepare so you can start enjoying information technology without wasting hours. If you lot however face any difficulties with assembling, in that location is a detailed video tutorial available to guide y'all through the associates process.

seven. Frock and Legs

Now we come to its durability and sturdiness. Table tennis tables demand to have solid aprons every bit they go below the surface and concord all the weight. This tabular array has two-inch box steel aprons that tin keep this table well.

Having strong legs is of the utmost importance. Apron and legs are crucial for a good tabular array because they are belongings it entirely. It has half an inch thick steel legs and horizontal crossbars. This trait increases the stability of the tabular array in spades. Therefore, if you put some weight on information technology or lean over it, it will non collapse.

8. Pre-Drilled Holes and Prune Ready

This table goes all the manner by giving yous the near out of your purchase. It comes with pre-drilled holes relieving you of all the mechanical work. Y'all tin can set it up with the utmost ease.

Information technology likewise comes with a prune set, and you save money on this aspect, too. Because y'all do not take to worry about the size or type of clips that would be suitable enough for the table, it has it all worked out.

Final Thoughts

Yous will e'er emerge victorious with such a grand product at the disposal that lets you lot hone your skills. With a potent foundation, exceptional bounciness, platonic density, and accessories, information technology makes your games more pleasurable. And this table is an spread-out product that provides you with almost everything.

The just downside is the cost, considering the features and specifications. Other indoor tables such as Joola Within offering much more for less cost. You tin read a detailed review of Joola Inside here.

If the toll is non your concern, you tin can but go for it without any hesitation because this tabular array is every bit skillful equally they merits.


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